A friend of mine mentioned the other day that when we go through deep changes in our lives, like divorce or death or total life dismantling - it can be the trigger to turn inward and start looking at those areas that we’ve avoided.
In the midst of the most excruciating moments you may feel like you need to make some massive gesture or action and if you could only pick the *right* one then everything would be ok.
But here’s the deal. Beautiful, life-altering change ONLY happens with something called the compound effect. The compound effect essentially means a lot of little decisions that pile up to success. You may not notice the change in a day, a week or a month but after a while you will absolutely notice the change. We all tend to over complicate things (my hand is definitely raised) and we look for the shortcut / instant reward to getting the lives we want as quickly as possible… but as Brooke Castillo says: “the big wins are made of the little wins. The big quits are made up of the little quits and they all add up”. Pay attention. Small, regular action can be a simple as eating a biscuit every day for the next year. At first you may not notice any change but after a year you’d definitely notice changes! Or it could be having a green smoothie every morning for breakfast. Guaranteed that after a week you would absolutely start to notice the positive compound effect of your choices. It could also be investing in your self-care toolkit and having that with you all the time. The short-cut is consistency… you show up every day / every week and the keep your connection to your intention and goal. The number one enemy of the compound effect is fear. We get overwhelmed by thinking that there's no way we can reach our goals and then fear kicks in. Fear makes us doubt ourselves and once you start believing those negative, destructive voices then the fear and the doubt gets bigger. When you're feeling fear and doubt, the trick is to do a small action every day and then before you know it the compound effect takes over and you've rewired a new behaviour into your brain and feel amazing! What Next: So if you’re going through some massive change or want to change any aspect of your life then you must become aware of where you’re placing your focus. Imagine every day filling your newsfeed with positive, uplifting, deep-diving and inspiring people… how would you feel? or filling your feed with depressing, fear-mongering news, tv shows with people complaining and showing toxic behaviour… how would you feel? Anything you do every day is signifiant. The profound question is: What are you every day feeding your mind, body and soul with? These choices are yours. Which ones are you choosing?
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April 2020