Did you know that when I was 13/14 I would turn all the mirrors over in my house so that I wouldn’t have to look at myself?
. I was miserable and hated what was staring back at me. I certainly did not fit the ‘beautiful’ stereotype and felt doomed to a life of not fitting in and never being loved. . I would love to say that this stopped after I became an adult, but if anything I just got better at hiding it from myself. The emotional rollercoaster that came with hormones fluctuating throughout the month, as well as the thought viruses inside my head kept me permanently feeling like I was worthless. . I believe there are viruses that live in this world and infiltrate our psyches. I believe there is a virus of self-doubt, of not-good-enough, the virus of perfection, self-hate and so many more. . What I’ve come to realise about these viruses is that they are not part of who we TRULY are - they are merely social and psychological thought implants that we take on as our own and then believe they are ours. They’re designed to keep our focus on our weight rather than on creating a difference in our lives and for others too. . Do you want to know a secret? These viruses don’t belong to us, they don’t belong to our true selves. . My goal is to help each and everyone of us no longer be subjected to these thought viruses (and physical ones!) and delete them from our psyches. . Whatever you are focussing on is what you’ll see more of, attract more of and notice more of. In my experience we are always focussing on the areas that seem to need improvement - but the antidote to all the viruses is to focus on loving what we already have. One way of doing that is to become grateful and loving of our bodies. . How do we do that? . Simple: Focus on what you DO like about your body. . Start a deliberate shift in your focus by write down the aspects of yourself that you do like. . When I did this I started with my feet. They had always been an aspect of myself that I wish were at least 2 sizes smaller and one day when I was in a yoga class I was overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness that my feet gave me balance, the ability to run and walk (which I love to do), stability and freedom. . From that moment on I totally shifted my perspective on my feet and since then we have a much happier relationship! . So, I’d like you to start simply and take a moment and be part of a movement that says NO MORE to these viruses that keep us down, that keep us from living the lives we want to live and remember who we truly are! . I’d love to hear from you if you’ve experienced the impact of these viruses, and whether you’re ready to say no more! . Dawn xx
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April 2020